Wednesday 18 January 2012

Fat to Fit in Four months

Well Good Morrow my dear chaps,I've spent some quality months & years raising a handsome & portly little one. Yes, I do mean my tummy, which has been well fed and watered for the last 2 years, since I last wrote to you all.

Time has dictated that I begin the arduous task of reversing the trend and minimising my assets. It took me some time to admit that I would require some hired help along the way & to my surprise the agency now call them 'Apps', sort of apt isn't it, gufaw.So the transaction was made and the person joined my employ and our first outing was on monday night.

A cold dark person on a cold dark night but with my trusty companion telling me 'only 30 seconds to go and you can then walk for 1 minute', I managed the 8 runs with a warm up and warm down.The moral of the tale is that it's been two years since the last meeting and this needs to be rectified so that I don't lapse in to the same downward spiral - I need my chaps.

Get in touch with GQ HQ to arrange the next soiree at the club.

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Dissemination of Information

Welcome fellow gents. As this is the first post, it might be useful to outline the purpose of GQ Brighton. Nothing has been proposed or agreed at this point, but the primary use will be to deliver information relevant to Gentlemen. Which will include details of the primary function, namely to ensure Gentlemen network socially at least four times a year.

What type of information is most useful for the site will become clear in good time. Plus, it's likely that there will be other contributions from upstanding Gents as it evolves and develops. So, what better place to start than to propose a choice of dates for the first meeting of Gentlemen's Quarterly - Brighton.
First Meeting:

Date options are;
19th/20th February, 5th/6th March 2010 for a Friday or Saturday evening out.

Venue options could include any of these;
Start with a Gin & Tonic in the Grand
Take a glass of finest ale in The Cricketers public house or go to Bar Ha Ha for a laugh.
We could frequent the Theatre Royal before the interval starts, to mingle with company befitting a Gentlemen.
Then on to a veritable feast at Chilli Pickle, Due South, Hotel du Vin or similar establishment.
As the evening draws to a close, we could end with a port in the Basket Makers!

There are a couple of Gentlemen's Clubs in Brighton, but maybe that could wait for another time, I don't think they would be ready for our type of custom.

Obviously we can get our butlers to liaise with each other on the technicalities, but perhaps you could select your date of choice. My suggestion would be 5th March - R.S.V.P by telegraphical means.

It may now be prudent to check the Definition of a Gentleman:

1. A man of gentle or noble birth or superior social position: He's too much a gentleman to be a scholar!
2. A well-mannered and considerate man with high standards of proper behavior.
3. A man of independent means who does not need to have a wage-paying job.
4. A manservant; a valet.

To which, I'm glad to say that I do believe a selection of the above attributes are appropriate for myself, namely;
I was born and it may have been a gentle birth
I have some standards and can exhibit certain behaviours
I do not need a wage-paying job, as I already have an underpaid one
I could be classed as a manservant, especially in my own household.

Clearly, it would be rude not to talk of Gentelman topics whilst out on evenings of culture, growth and bonhomerie.
You may not be aware of this, but there is also a magazine out to compliment our little club, which can be found in most reputable news selling establishments on the high street. I sought out their topics of discussion and the periodical seems to focus on fashion, style and culture for Gentlemen, through articles on food, movies, fitness, sex, music, travel, sports, technology, and books.

So, that should keep us going for the first hour, at which point we may have to ad lib.
(Point of further development: Ad libitum is Latin for "at [one's] pleasure"; it is often shortened to "ad lib". Which you would clearly know, being Gentlemen.)

Attire for our evenings out: can give you an idea of the second hand market if your valet has not yet finished your wardrobe and your city shares have recently declined. However, the point is to dress appropriately for a gentleman, as we undoubtedly would, and will do.

I trust this has shed some initial information on the first of our four nights out during the year of our lord 2010.

We look forward to your comments here at GQ HQ.